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Instagram Matters

Without a doubt, Instagram is the most influential social media platform out there when it comes to the hair and beauty industries. Having an Instagram account means you can share your talent, your education and inspirations with the rest of the world. But it's not just about 'likes' - how do you get that all-important interaction? We speak to industry giants Tracey Devine and Jamie Stevens, to find out how they handle their Insta posts.


Award-winning hairstylist and recent Dubai transplant, Tracey loves to use Instagram to share her work, and her home life.

Tracey Devine Smith Instagram

Make your account interesting with a wide variety of subject matters. I try and give my Instagram a personal element as well as sharing my professional life. It's me, my family, my pets, my Sunday afternoons and my work life! It's a great way of connecting with people by welcoming them into your life.

Tracey Devine Smith Instagram

Obviously there are loads of posts about hair; you can't over post on Instagram! My advice is not to use the Instagram app to take the pictures. It's not as good as an iPhone at taking pictures, and there are a lot more editing functions on an iPhone than on the Instagram app.


With a combined reach of around 200k across all platforms, Jamie's team is dedicated to its social media platforms.

We have complete control over our posts and create our own branded tips and tricks, mini styling videos. We like to keep our language and content consistent and this gives clients full assurance of our strong branding.

We do weekly tips and how-to's using videos and image collages to help our clients look after and style their hair at home. We also use our own collection images to show new techniques and trends within the industry for inspiration for their next visit.

Jamie Stevens Instagram

We feel it's important to keep our followers up to date with everything the team is up to, as well as showcasing before and after images of our clients when they have had a complete revamp in the salon; it makes them feel special when they've had a change or a new look. It's a great approach which is always welcomed by our clients.

Are you following us on Instagram? Look for @capitalhair

Originally published in Capital Hair & Beauty Spring magazine 2017.

Imagery from Instagram.