This will only display when the attribute Furniture Configurator is populated.
Unlock more value when you shop in-store at Capital. For every £100+VAT you spend in a single transaction, you’ll receive one Privilege Point. Collect 10 Privilege Points to claim your £100 gift voucher!
This will only display when the attribute Furniture Configurator is populated.
How does it work?
It couldn’t be simpler! Each time you spend £100 (ex VAT) in one of our stores you will receive a Privilege Point stamp. Attach the stamp to your Privilege Points loyalty card. When you have collected 10 stamps you can claim your £100 discount.
To claim your discount, fill in the details on the back of your loyalty card and hand it in at your local store. You’ll then get your £100 discount on your next shop!
Terms & Conditions:
£100 discount includes VAT. No stamps will be given on sale days, special event days or accompanying another promotion. Stamps are not issued on the purchase of salon furniture or equipment and no stamps will be given on 4+1 deals, deliveries, web purchases, or when paying by gift voucher. £100 discount may not be used to pay off your account. Photocopied stamps or cards will not be accepted.