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Glitter ball

With Christmas just a month away, the office party season is about to kick off, so this week we’re all about glitter…

On nails

There’s no need for glitter to remain on the index finger anymore – besides, that trend is over! Instead feel free to play with glitter all over. Be sure to shop the brilliant Glitz + Glam range from Gellux; it features some gorgeous warm coral tones with multi-coloured sparkles, as well as a rich purple and sizzling reds. Our favourite way to wear the trend on nails is to team a red/gold glitter with a glossy black motif, but the possibilities are endless!

glitter nails

On hair

Glitter roots are back again, and they’re not just for teens. Younger clients might want to play with glitter right at the roots or on the ends for a quirky ombre effect, while more mature clients can wear it in one specific area, perhaps with hair brushed into waves on one side, and a hint of glitter on the other, replacing the need for any other hair decoration.  Once you’ve found the right glitter, spritz it into place with your favourite fixing spray. And make sure your client washes it out thoroughly, and carefully!

glitter hair

On the face

Glitter lips has been a seasonal trend that’s steadily picking up the pace; long gone are the days when glitter on the face was just for Halloween – we’re now seeing it on lips, cheeks and eyes. Most of your clients who want to play with the glitter trend will probably only want to use it on one facial detail. For lips there’s a strong trend for deep berry and ruby tones. You can get the look with glitter lip kits, or create your own combination with a lip glue or bonder, lip liner and your favourite glitter.

When it comes to eyes you need to be a lot more careful with application; again look for a glue that’s suitable for eyes, and apply eyeshadow and glitter on top.

The most sophisticated way to wear the trend? Just a smidgen of silver or gold glitter at the outer corners of the eye, or at the top of the cheekbones…

glitter face

All imagery via Pinterest

Gellux glitz and glam