Understand the technology behind the K18 Repair Pro Salon Service to fully understand the world of Biomimetic Hair Science – A Detailed introduction to the K18 Repair Service and products alike.
2 hours - Various Times.
Key Features
Gain a greater understanding of the science and biological makeup of hair and delve into the science behind K18. Discover the technology that allows Stylists and Colourists to have more creative freedom, with hair integrity in mind. Understand the profit potential for both Salon Owners and Independent Stylists.
Radical simplicity and fearless innovation, gives you unrivalled profit potential and gives your client’s the chance to turn back the clock on damage, in just 4 minutes: understanding the science just takes a little bit longer.
Skill Level
Additional Information
- This is an in-store Course.
- After the in-store training you will be able to re-visit the link, take a quiz to then download an e-certificate.
What is needed for the instore practical training
Students are not required to bring anything on the day.
Students will receive a Free K18 Leave-In Repair Hair Mask 5ml, goody bag and deals on the day.
Provided by: Scalp Solutions Ltd
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Course Equipment
Course Equipment
Course Accreditation
Furniture Specification
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Furniture Lease Options
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REM Configurator
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This will only display when the attribute Furniture Configurator is populated.