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Funky men: Step by step with Wahl

Hair Design By Simon Shaw - European Artistic Director, Wahl UK

  1. Comb hair. Use the Wahl Motion Clipper on a grade 3 (9mm) at the sides and temple area, only to take down the length. Use in an upwards motion. Repeat on the other side.

  2. At the back, continue to clip through the back area to connect the sides, still on guard 3. Turn the clippers upside down to blend in, going over the same sections but in a downwards motion this time. Spray the hair with water and comb through.

  3. funky men step by step 1
  4. Add layers using the clippers. Section the hair into 1" sections. Point the clipper downwards and towards you and take it across the hair, following through with the guard line. Once you've done the top section, split hair in half and blend hair into side sections using clippers over comb.

  5. funky men step by step 2
  6. Once the layers are cut to a desired length, add on the texture blade and use the 'Flick 'n' Smack' technique to add texture to the haircut.

  7. funky men step by step 3
  8. Blow dry the hair, pointing the nozzle up to create height and volume at the roots.

  9. Use WA19 Klay to show off the texture.

  10. funky men step by step 4
  11. Go back in with the clippers to define the temple, sides and back sections, still on guard 3. Use a Wahl Academy Trimmer round all the edges to give a razor sharp finish.

  12. Final look!

  13. funky men final look

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